Rappahannock Historical Society
Research Request Guidelines and Fees
Library Research Services By Mail or Email
Thank you for your request. Below are our research guidelines.
For researchers unable to visit our facility, we provide a Basic Research Service and a Document Photocopy Service for pre-paid, written requests.
Basic Research Service Fee: $20 Pre-Paid
The Library will search its holdings and collections for answers to queries for up to one hour after which the fee will be $15.00 per hour.
Please include all relevant information on the subject that will assist us with your specific question, i.e., dates, locations, family members, etc.
Photocopies are 50 cents per page if you wish copies of any material found.
Rappahannock Historical Society
328 Gay St, PO Box 261
Washington, VA 22749
Email: rapphistsoc@comcast.net
©2009 Rappahannock Historical Society / site by Eva D. Grimsley